Automotive Technology

The company hopes to begin commercial operations with its UberAir brand by 2023.

One autonomous vehicle developer believes their expertise could help mitigate some of the major issues facing the technology.

For the low, low price of close to $800,000

Our international ranking may come as a surprise?

Is Knight Rider becoming a reality? Bet they won't have KITT's sense of humour.

A complete guide to the process.

Insurers define criteria for automated vehicles.

“This acquisition is a game changer for GM and Cruise."

AI will learn about its passengers and even have the ability to see 10 seconds into the future.

This could make for lighter cars and more fuel efficient trucks.

So what will companies do to fix the problem?

The technology relies on the use of 'tension members'.

Pre and post diagnostic scans should be standard practice - you can now buy the genuine GM diagnostic tool.

This tech start-up is looking to turn car windows into mobile billboards.

The new centre airbag is deployed from the upper in-board side of the seat back and doesn't need a centre console to help keep occupants in position.

It contains a little more than your usual chips and coke.