
Australia has ranked 14th on a global index for autonomous vehicle readiness according to a report released by KPMG.

According to the report, Australia scored reasonably well on policy and legislation surrounding autonomous vehicles but struggled in areas of technology and innovation.

According to KPMG Australia management consulting partner Paul Low, Australia should be expecting autonomous vehicles to be a major disruption to our transport system and structures.

Other potential disrupters include elements such as road pricing, mobility services and increasing contesting public transport operations.

“Autonomous vehicles are one of the major disrupters hitting the transport system in the next 10 years in Australia.

“These will drive different institutional and regulatory structures that will change the historical model of transport agencies with their focus on infrastructure development and system regulation.”

The report suggested that while the country was highly rated for people's use of technology, few people lived in test areas.

Australia was also penalised for the quality of its road, the availability of 4G and the lack of charging stations across the country.

It also found that Australians were also fairly cynical about the technology of autonomous vehicles which lowered the country's overall score further.

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