
A comprehensive study commissioned by Worldskills Australia explores the views and attitudes of over 400 young apprentices, trainees, VET students and their mentors. The survey is to better understand what motivates them and discover how Worldskills can further encourage young people to consider pursuing a vocational skill.

Amid significant and well-publicised labour shortages, a precarious economic situation and declines in the number of people completing VET courses, it is clear Australia needs to embrace a new approach. Striving for excellence will not only support individual growth, but also organisational, industrial and national growth.

Chief amongst the reports’ findings was that 87.5 per cent of respondents attributed their involvement in the WorldSkills program motivated them to finish their current education. It also found the program helped change the perception of VET amongst secondary students and their family and friends.

The report is the first instalment in an impact project, which aims to capture and clarify the extrinsic value WorldSkills Australia brings to Australia’s skills development environment. 

The full report can be accessed here: Supporting Our Youth to Thrive report.

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