PPG is partnering with Czech organisation ‘Facts on Climate Change’ (Fakta o klimatu). This team of independent analysts and experts is committed to creating educational resources on climate change which are based on factual, constructive and science-based data.
Thanks to funding from PPG, the Atlas of Climate Change flagship project which was formerly offered in Czech, will now be translated into English in order to reach a broader audience. In addition, PPG is actively involved in Facts on Climate Change’s other initiatives, including a podcast series centred on the social and human aspects of climate change and the creation of educational materials for teachers. “As a business committed to environmental responsibility, we recognise the significance of organisations like Facts on Climate Change as educators,” said Jan Šipan, PPG Sales Director, Czechia, Architectural Coatings. “Its work demystifies climate impacts and promotes unity in addressing it through education. Supporting it helps create a future where facts, understanding and collective education drive positive change.”
Facts on Climate Change provides a basic and clear data framework for discussion, through which meaningful and long-term solutions can be found, says Ondráš Přibyla, Founder and Director, Facts on Climate Change. “Finding and promoting solutions to the rise in global average temperature and other environmental problems is not a simple or easy task, so we are thrilled to partner with PPG and receive its generous support. PPG’s commitment to sustainability aligns with our mission to make climate knowledge accessible for all. This partnership helps us expand our initiatives, ensuring more people have the facts to contribute to a more sustainable future.”
The funding is part of PPG's global commitment to invest US$5Mil into environmental sustainability education by 2030,