
IAG today announced a return to direct allocation for its repair network. Instead of customers having to have their cars triaged at a Motorserve, then take a taxi home and then have the car towed or valeted to the repairer and back, the insurance giant says that direct allocation will improve repair times. 

An IAG spokesperson said: "We’re continually reviewing the services and support we provide our customers. As part of this, we recently conducted a review of our Motor Repair Model to look at opportunities to provide the most efficient claims and repair experience for our customers and business.

Our review highlighted an opportunity to streamline our current model by managing the triage and allocation of our customers’ repairs directly to our partner repairers.

Under the current model, some customers are allocated to our Motorserve customer hubs where they drop their vehicle to be assessed and sent for repairs to a nearby partner repairer.

Under the new model, customer repairs will be directly allocated to a partner repairer who will support them through the assessment and repair process. Customers will continue to have access to hire cars (where hire car is a benefit of the relevant policy) via hire car partners located within proximity of allocated repairers.


Moving to a Direct Allocation model will help us improve cycle times and simplify the claims and repair process for our customers.


IAG Motor Assessing teams will continue to service the customer via our partner repairer network (including Repairhub), including attending partner repairer locations at an increased frequency.


We will continue to work with our partner repairers as the updated model is rolled out.


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