
In response to Paint & Panel's request for feedback on how repairers are travelling with the new Audanet system a repairer send us the following. 

The Audanet Debacle

I am a reputable repairer, unfortunately the declaration of my name would have me crucified for telling this truth.

Debacle is an understatement in regards to the Audanet system we have been forced to use. It is an absolute Bullshit system that is not only extremely unfriendly to use by us repairers but it can’t even be operated by the company that controls it.

It took six months to get it 'almost' operational, and now the settings are being altered again to favour certain repairers. It may appear that because I am not being favoured, that I have an axe to grind, but it’s not a matter of playing favourites, it’s a matter of being able to survive. If you want to remain profitable you will be crucified. The system is adjusted to only allow you three hours per repair before it needs assessing, which is just one of the many little cracks in the system.

I have had to employ another staff person to just input quotes. It takes at least 12 times longer to quote a job now, as opposed to before this ridiculous system was installed. So I am down $75K and I’m getting $54hr on my Suncorp jobs and that is considerably less than I pay my tradesmen… Work it out… I actually can’t sustain it for much longer.

It could be said that we should just be grateful because we are getting work from Suncorp, but if you take into consideration the monetary points above, which aren’t factoring the amount of wasted time, I would argue that it may be more of a hindrance than any kind of help.

Globalisation is ruining our planet, but on a smaller scale, it’s completely killing our industry. Suncorp and other insurance companies have been good to us in the past. We always had a great relationship with local centres, for years I went to the centre every morning to quote vehicles, it wasn’t always a completely fair business, but I quoted fairly and honestly and won enough jobs to keep us flowing. We always had great and fair relationships with the staff which made for a pleasant working experience. That has all gone now. All staff has been sacked or moved. There is to be no relationship building. When customers call they are told to filter them to the SMART shops and for all I know, they are being rewarded for doing so. So all the work is now palmed off to us the repairers to do for free. Everything takes longer for less money.

Lets look at some physical issues with the actual system and see if we can find some good points.

Well if the thing actually worked, it would be awesome, it’s a live system which is a wonderful benefit… but it doesn't.

That’s about the only positive thing I can think of.

As far as the things that don’t work….well I could go on and on, but I’ve already spent far too long writing this document than it deserves, but maybe in the future if we survive, it could be a great thing. I’m yet to see any evidence though.

  • Imagery is not accurate
  • Part numbers and prices are incorrect
  • Random removal of labour and parts
  • Extremely slow, 12 times slower than previous system
  • Locks us out and malfunctions several times daily
  • Suncorp staff finishes at 4pm, we for instance, are here til 5pm daily and there is no one to help in that last hour.

In completion I would like to say that I am very close to throwing in the towel, every day it is becoming more obvious that this system is costing me money and costing customers their safety and security.



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