There are many excellent reasons to visit Exhibition Park in Canberra on 4 – 7 January 2024 and not all of them relate to the high-octane program laid out for Summernats 36.
For those from the collision repair industry there is an extra treat in store at the PPG stand, located at the traditional PPG Corner site. Along with the vibrant displays of colour and awesome PPG painted vehicles, you will find MoonVan onsite. Throughout the event, this specially fitted out vehicle will be used to give live demonstrations of the ground breaking new PPG LINQ technologies. Visitors will get a firsthand look at the easy to follow process which starts with taking a colour reading with the next generation DIGIMATCH spectrophotometer before downloading that data and using it to generate a 3D digital spray-out using the VisualizID 3D colour visualisation software. Using this new technology, it’s easy to compare the closest variants under different lighting sources and angles, as well as to check on the face, flop and particle size. Once the closest colour match has been selected, it’s a simple matter to have the MOONWALK automated dispensing technology precisely mix the required amount in ENVIROBASE High Performance waterborne basecoat. This takes human error out of the equation by dispensing even the tiniest tinter amounts with absolute accuracy every single time.
While at the PPG stand, be sure to take the time to chat with the expert PPG team who can provide advice about anything to do with achieving an epic paint finish. This year they will be joined by special guest, Howard Astill who will on hand to answer questions and talk about the special project to paint a 1971 Camaro which was featured in the Astill Design YouTube series. In addition, a special display will give visitors an in depth insight into the step-by-step paint restoration process, from bare metal, through to a show car finish. Of course, PPG colour is also a feature thanks to a colour wall showcasing PPG VIBRANCE COLLECTION custom colours, along with a fan favourite selection of iconic muscle car colours. You can also take advantage of special pricing on MIRKA tools and abrasives and SATA spray equipment. PPG Corner is located just inside Gate 2.