
Safe Work Australia chief executive officer, Michelle Baxter, said the 'Clean Air. Clear Lungs.' campaign has already helped those in the manufacturing industry realise that occupational lung disease is an important work health and safety concern in Australia.

“Not all hazards in the workplace are visible. It’s important to identify if your work processes are creating hazards such as dusts, gases, fumes or vapours, that if inhaled can cause lung disease,” said Baxter. “Persons conducting a business or undertaking must ensure the health and safety of their workers – this includes protecting their lungs.

“This is not a one-off – all control measures need to be reviewed regularly to make sure they are still working and controlling the risk.”

A review is required: when the control measure is not effective; before a change at the workplace that may create new hazards or risks; if a new hazard or risk is identified; if the results of consultation indicate that a review is necessary, or; if a health and safety representative requests a review.

For more information: Safeworkaustralia/clearlungs.

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