
Sheen Panel Service has over 300 employees to keep safe and take the task very seriously. It’s not just about physical safety but they also consider the team’s mental health.

Sheen Panel Service has already taken out best workplace and their dedication to keeping their team safe was an integral part of that. Regular lung function and hearing tests are completed and monitored throughout careers.

There are regular air quality tests from Respiratory Solutions and air purity tests of the airlines in the compressors to ensure the team are confident that painters are working safely.

Random drug and alcohol testing is conducted as a duty of care, maintaining confidence that staff are in a fit state to be operating equipment. WHS policies are constantly updated to suit developing procedures.

Each employee receives and has access to the Employee Handbook, this document is updated regularly and assists individuals to work efficiently and safely at their workplace. The business sets guidelines of expectations as an individual and co-worker at Sheen, including behaviour that will not be tolerated as it actively tries to create a safe space and supportive space for all.

All electrical equipment is tested and tagged regularly on top of the regular servicing of all equipment to ensure proper and optimal function of machinery. From installation, a routine scheduled serving of the equipment is set up on an automatic calendar.

The addition of an External OH&S auditor who conducts random inspections will see the quality of the workshop maintained as business grows.

This individual surveys the proceedings and store management. Information from this will then be relayed to relevant roles in the company to review and if necessary create changes. Anything relevant to multiple stores will then be a point of discussion at the monthly manger’s meetings. The company has outsourced this auditor as they have an in-depth of knowledge and ensure Sheen is up to date on all compliance necessities and that it is maintaining a high standard of practice.

Sheen is ISO9001 compliant with a third-party auditor to ensure it is fit to manage a workplace professionally to meet customer needs.

Defibrillators have been installed in each site in the case of an emergency. With this addition, first aid and CPR courses are being completed by managers. In the case of an incident, record books are located in each store where documentation occurs and is then further processed by head office.

With multiple social events throughout the year to boost engagement between staff, Sheen understands that this is a workplace that people come to most days so providing a safe place that you want to come back to is everything. Building morale through lunches, paintball days, hiring out Luna Park, mid-year parties, all work to see staff enjoying their time at Sheen and feeling supported by their colleagues. There is also a well established mentoring system in place where mature aged staff work closely with incoming generation to guide them in industry scenarios and expectations.

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