
Electricity prices are set to soar and carbon tax is looming. Meanwhile, the price of solar panels are heading downwards. It’s never been a better time to look at a solar installation for your workshop.

You should learn something new every day. Paint and Panel learned that as well as refinishing products, lyrca and frion, DuPont also makes solar panels.

We asked, Guy Hexter, business development manager for DPA Solar to calculate the payback on a typical small business installation – a 10KW solar system. The good news is that the average payback is between five and seven years, and that's based on a quote before the introduction of carbon tax. If prices rise more than predicted then, the payback time will be even shorter.

Hexter has provided quotes to two workshops,  customers of DuPont Performance Services, who are considering solar installations. If they decide to go ahead, Paint and Panel will follow the process and track energy savings over the next five years. The panels specified for the installation are DuPont Apollo Thin Film which the company says offer significant advantages over traditional technologies.

Most solar panels lose performance as it gets hot, the Thin Film panels are typically ten percent better in the heat of the day. These panels also perform better in shaded and cloudy conditions. The Thin Film also offers more installation options, including flat roof installations.


Payback: If you produce more than you need, you can sell this power at a highter rate than you currently pay.
The Panel: You will need to choose between Thin Film or traditional mono or poly crystalline panels.
The Inverter: The inverter is the brains of the system. It is converts the power produced by the panels into a usable AC current and can track the performance of the system.
Orientation: The ideal orientation is north, while a system not facing north can produce significant yield, it should be investigated before proceeding.
Quality: You should look for quality components for your system are made by reputable brands and have some performance data available.

For more information contact DPA Solar on: 1300 447 500

System price

Solar system cost which includes panels, inverters, racking, balance of system, installation less rebates (STCs). This example is for a system to be installed in Melbourne at 15 degrees, facing north with the DuPont Apollo. Payback is approximately six years.

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