
We only received 151 responses to this second survey of how the industry is travelling during these pandemic business conditions as opposed to the 250 we received in April. I choose to interpret this positively in that the industry is busier and less worried than it was. 

On the whole there is a great deal of confidence in the future, all be it cautious confidence which is understandable given the landscape is changing daily and the future impossible to predict. The key question is how confident are you that your business can withstand the financial impact of the pandemic? 31% are extremely confident, 55% are cautiously confident, 9% are less confident than the outset and 5% are not at all confident. 

We asked you to select your three biggest immediate business concerns. The results are volume at  64%, another lockdown at 52% and cashflow and profit/survival came neck and neck in number three at 49%.

The three biggest opportunities were staff loyalty at 55%, new working practices at 50% and Growth at 36.5% - the 'other' answers were mainly people saying that they didn't see any opportunity.

In terms of lost revenue it was a very mixed bag of results for what owners forcast the business had lost to date - 11-20% and 21-30% made up around 38% of the responses.

The supply chain seems to be holding up relatively well at the moment. With volume being such an issue we wondered when you anticipate pre-pandemic volumes returning. Just over 40% thought within the next three to six months, 28% said within three months, 20% said not until the end of quarter 1 in 2021, while 11% think that the volumes may never be the same.

In terms of accessing Jobkeeper 16% said that they didn't need to use it, 21% said that they didn't qualify and 42% had 100% of their workforce on the scheme. 

You can download the full results here. #survivingthevirus2 survey results

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