
Paint & Panel's Facebook page has liked as many autobody repair businesses as we could find. Looking at a selection of those pages, the vast majority of shops haven't posted in 2019 yet.

If you have a Facebook page then you must post on it regularly or you may as well not bother as your posts won't appear in your followers' newsfeed. The current thinking is that you should post a minimum of three times per week and a maximum of 10 times per week. You can schedule as many posts as you want, ideally at a time that a lot of your followers are online. You find this out by clicking 'insights' and 'posts'. If you don't think you'll have time to do this then task someone else in the business to.



When it comes to content, don't just post before and after pics of the cars you have repaired. Consider a 5:3:2 rule. With regards to social sharing, it's all about getting the right balance, so think of it as for every ten posts:

5 should be content from other sources that are relevant to your audience, otherwise known as curation.
3 should be content you've created, that's relevant to your audience, or creation.
2 should be personal, fun content that humanises your brand to your audience, to be referred to as humanization.

Good sources for useful posts that you can either share or copy are motoring organisations, weather, local council and insurance and car companies.

Remember, Facebook can generate a significant amount of leads and if you post cleverly, you can also drive traffic to your website. And how much does it cost again? Oh that's right 0$.


Instagram has become a super-effective marketing and sales tool. Here's a link to an article on 10 reasons why a business can thrive on instagram. Apparently the magic number for Instagram posts is 1.5 per day - it's important to be consistent. There are apps which allow you to schedule Instagram posts such as Hootsuite and Later - you can Google shceduling apps and decide which one suits you.

An hour's time investment in being social each week could yeild surprising returns.

By the way, you can follow Paint & Panel on Instagram and Facebook.

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