
The insurance and collision repair industries will be consulted on a draft update to the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct (the Code), which is expected to be released in early 2025.

The updated Code, drafted by MST Lawyers in response to Dr Michael Schaper’s independent review of the Code, with guidance from the Code of Conduct Administration Committee (CAC), will seek industry feedback on the draft, with accompanying questions from the CAC.

CAC Chair George Manos said the release of the draft for consultation follows substantial feedback during the process to date, and discussion by the CAC.

“As a committee, our goal was to have a draft document out to industry this year. While we are very close to finalising it, we have recognised the importance of carefully working through each element of the code to closer align both sides.”

“This process of negotiation has taken time and ensures that the consultation draft is both workable and takes steps to address industry’s concerns,” Manos said.

“The CAC has met regularly since receiving the first draft of the updated Code from MST Lawyers, which included an agreement to seek input from the Australian Motor Body Repairers Association (AMBRA).

“The CAC is now in a position to provide its feedback to MST Lawyers to enable broader industry consultation.

“This will include the opportunity for Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) and Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA) members to review the draft, alongside explanatory notes on the proposed updates.”

Noting a strong level of interest across both industries, Manos thanked the insurance and collision repair industries for their support during this process.

“The CAC have been working hard to provide the draft Code for broader industry consultation, and we look forward to receiving feedback on this important document in the near future.”

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