• Capricorn ESG
    Capricorn ESG

Capricorn has released its first voluntary Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report showcasing the organisation's commitment to fostering positive sustainability initiatives.

Capricorn operates by cooperative principles and is committed to doing the right thing for its community. This is why it has taken the proactive step to produce its first ESG report in 2024.

“The industry is stronger when we all work together; whether that’s to support business owners with ongoing skills issues, or looking at long-term sustainability impacts,” incoming Group CEO Brad Gannon said.

“By learning from and building on the findings in this report over the coming years, we can operate sustainably, consistent with our community’s expectations.”

The ESG report will be developed each year, allowing Capricorn to explore opportunities to strengthen its commitment to sustainability, guide resource allocation and consider investment decisions moving forward. Eight key areas of focus have been recognised following considerable consultation with members and stakeholders. These areas are important to how they operate, helping the organisation identify and acknowledge opportunities for positive impact, and monitor and mitigate negative impact for their stakeholders.

The areas are: Empowering Members, Climate Resilience, Sustainable Consumption, Employee Wellbeing, Innovation and Digital Transformation, Data Governance and Cybersecurity, Ethical Supply Chains, and Integrity and Accountability.

The report also highlights key initiatives Capricorn has already introduced.

“This year we introduced a new reward and recognition program to celebrate outstanding Capricorn team members. We believe everyone can make a difference and when we acknowledge, support and uplift each other, we can achieve anything we set our minds to,” Gannon said.

“The release of the ESG report marks the starting point of our journey and is a vital first step in looking at where we stand now and starting the discussion of the road ahead. Making a difference to the Capricorn community is what Capricorn is all about – we don’t want the industry to just survive, we want it to thrive. We hope you’ll join us on this journey.”

Capricorn’s ESG report is now available from its website.

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